Children generally begin to lose their first baby teeth around the age of 5 or 6. However, every child is different and the process can start as early as 4 or as late as 7 years old. After a child victoriously loses the tooth and waits for their treasure from the tooth fairy, the question presents itself: “When will the permanent tooth erupt?”
In some situations children lose one or more of their baby teeth before the natural or ideal time. Sometimes the permanent tooth is late coming in, leaving a questionable gap. Dental spacers are oftentimes necessary or at least the recommended treatment to create the appropriate amount of space needed for the next tooth to come in .

If a child loses one or more of their baby teeth too early, they could face dental issues later as the permanent teeth erupt. Issues, such as, adult teeth not having enough space to grow in correctly or coming in crooked are common. Space maintainers keep the space open so a child’s mouth can develop naturally, and have enough space for the development of permanent teeth.
Here are some instances when a space maintainer should be placed in your child’s mouth to protect their dental health.
Cavities are the number one oral problem children face. A main cause of cavities is tooth decay caused by bacteria in plaque. As plaque builds up on the surface of the tooth, the bacteria secrete an acid that can erode the tooth enamel. This makes the tooth susceptible to further damage and decay, causing cavities.
A pediatric dentist may need to remove the infected tooth to keep the decay from spreading. This process will likely leave behind a gap between your child’s remaining teeth. Space maintainers are helpful in these situations to keep the baby teeth in their proper positions. Without a space maintainer in place, the neighboring teeth can migrate into the newly vacated space and prevent the developing permanent tooth below the gums from having the space needed to grow in.
Let’s face it, children are active, love to play, and are not always the most careful. As a result, accidents happen and you find yourself with a toothless child.
If your child loses a tooth due to injury, the pediatric dentist may recommend a space maintainer. This maintainer will stop the other teeth from shifting and crowding into the space. This will ensure the adult tooth comes in properly and has room to erupt.
Another situation where a child may need a space maintainer is a condition called over-retained baby teeth. This condition occurs when baby teeth have loosened and then tightened back into the gums. This situation keeps adult teeth from erupting properly into their correct spaces and can lead to extreme crowding of the teeth.
The solution is usually to extract one or more of the crowding baby teeth. Your child’s pediatric dentist may then install a space maintainer to ensure proper shifting and adult tooth eruption.
There are two types of dental spacers — fixed and removable. While both types serve the same purpose, the best option is determined by the individual child’s needs. Fixed maintainers are durable and easy to use, while removable ones are easy to clean and adjust.
Fixed Dental Space Maintainers
These are non-removable maintainers and are usually made of metal. They are a fantastic option when the child is likely to lose the spacer.
Removable Dental Space Maintainers
These are similar to orthodontic appliances and are typically made from acrylic. They are used when the space to be maintained is large.
One important function of a baby tooth is to reserve space for the adult tooth. If a baby tooth falls out prematurely, the space may cause adult teeth to become crooked as they grow in.
The body is usually good at maintaining enough space, but every case is different. If your child has lost a tooth prematurely, consult with a pediatric dentist at Greater Houston Pediatric Dentistry about your child’s needs. As your child begins to lose their teeth,it is important to keep regular dental appointments so that the experts at GHPD can monitor the development of the permanent adult teeth.